Men are social animals on earth. They are created to interact with each other respectfully and harmoniously despite their diversity in complexion, tribe, culture and socioeconomic status. Thus, their relation becomes meaningful in the society. Almighty Allah said:
“O you men surely we have created you of a male and female and made you tribes and families that you may know each other” (Qur’an 49: 15)
However, nowadays human relations are becoming more complex and difficult to many members of a society which in one way or the other may lead to either religious or tribal crisis among members of the society. Therefore, it is important for the members of the community to develop a greater awareness of group behavior (their own and others) to better understand their attitudes, values and believes of those around them. Thus, the study of sociology serves to improve mutual understanding among the community members so as to live peacefully and harmoniously.
Sociology is a scientific study of human behavior in a society. According to Comte (1789), Sociology is the study of the interaction between social institutions such as family, education and religion as well as the development and transformation of society.
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) who is regarded as the ‘father’ of sociology of education clearly defines Sociology of education as “the systematic study of educational structures, processes, and practices from a sociological perspective”.
This definition of sociology of education is suitable because it speaks much of what goes on in education system. It clearly states that it is important to know sociology before knowing what sociology of education is. This is because sociology is related to sociology of education.
On the other hand, sociology of education is seen as a process of analyzing and applying sociological theories and methods to answer basic and fundamental questions of educational issues and problems relating to such institutions like culture, marriage, religion, economy, and politics, and their influence in education and vice versa. It also involves the influence of society on curriculum (Morrish, 1975).
Therefore, education as a social enterprise is meant to serve the basic and fundamental aims and objectives of the society. It is instituted to realize the overall philosophy of the society. Thus, from the ancient society to present ones, all societies have been responsible in determining the right type, structure, process, personnel and facilities of their educational system that will make their members effectively functional physically, psychologically, socially, economically, politically, religiously and civic aspect. Consequently, each education structure is not divorced from the need and desire of the society it serves.
1- Sociology of education is interested in the way in which education is related to other institutions and structural features of the society.
2- It investigates the ways in which education is influenced by the various social forces of the society on one hand and on the other hand the way these social institutions influenced by education.
3- It concerns itself with the way social relationships in school are ordered to shape the personality of individuals.
4- Moreover, sociology of education considers the effect of economy upon the sort of education provided by the state, the social forces, and factors that affect educational and cultural change.
Sociology of education is significantly related to teachers as it helps the professional teacher to adopt the progressive change in trend of the present society. However, Nigeria is characterized with heterogeneous people, cultural beliefs and orientation. Thus:
1- Sociology of education exposes teacher to the richness of cultural diversity and method to adopt in maintaining the unity in diversity within the school environment and classroom.
2- Similarly, sociology of education enables the teacher to understand fully the nature of the society he discharges his duty within, their social values, norms, ideas, ethics and stratification. It also exposes the teacher to the level of socio-economic and technological development of that society.
3- Sociology of education enriches the teacher with the knowledge of occupation, work force, job orientation and method of effective social membership operation.
4- Sociology of education helps teacher to analyze social problems and issues of his students in a more rational and intellectual manner.
5- Sociology of education guides teacher to create interesting and enabling learning environment for students.
• CULTURE: is the people’s total way of life
• CUSTOM: is a way of behaving or belief which has been established for a long time.
• TRADITION: is a belief, principles or way of acting of people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time.
• NORMS: are rules of conduct that specify appropriate behavior in a society.
• VALUES: are things that the community members believe to be worth striving for.
• INSTITUTION: is a system of interrelated rules which provide a set of guidelines for social behavior and structure
• STRATIFICATION: is the process of arranging persons into classes or social strata.
Johnson, A. (1995). The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology. Malden, Massachusetts. Blackwell publishers.
Musgrave, P.W. (1979). The sociology of Education. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd.
National Open University of Nigeria (2006). Sociology of Education. Published by: National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)
Description : INTRODUCTION Men are social animals on earth. They are created to interact with each other respectfully and harmoniously despite their dive...